Published Wed, Feb 7th, 2024
To All members in Public Sector Institutions
The Executive Committee of the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) has recommended acceptance of the Public Sector Agreement 2024 to 2026.
Following a meeting of the IFUT Executive Committee on 6th of February, the Committee unanimously agreed to recommend acceptance of the proposal to our membership. Our decision is grounded in the belief that the terms of the proposal represent the most favourable outcome attainable in the circumstances concerning pay. Importantly, our endorsement is driven by the notable emphasis placed on addressing the needs of those on lower pay grades within the sector. A copy of the proposal is available to peruse here. We have also prepared a "Questions Answered" document to address frequently asked questions. Please visit here to explore this resource.
In recommending acceptance of the proposal, the Executive Committee wishes to reassure our membership that we remain committed to leveraging every available opportunity and resource to combat precarious employment within our sector throughout the duration of the agreement, should it be accepted.
IFUT will host an information webinar on Thursday, the 15th of February, at 5 pm, open to all IFUT members employed in or retired from the public sector. To join the webinar, please access the following Zoom link: It is advisable to download the latest version of Zoom to ensure optimal performance during the webinar. Registration for this event is not necessary. Members can click the link to join at the scheduled time.
To facilitate a comprehensive discussion, we invite you to submit your questions in advance by clicking on the following link: Questions will be composited and addressed where possible by the panel during the webinar. This is a great opportunity to have your concerns and queries directly addressed by our panel. We encourage all members to take advantage of this feature to make the webinar as informative and interactive as possible.
Finally, a secret ballot vote for all affected members, which includes members in retirement, will commence on the 16th of February and conclude at 1200 on Thursday, the 21st of March. The Ballot will be an electronic Ballot, with each member receiving a voting link and instructions from our professional online voting partner, Mi-Voice.
If you do not receive your e-mail from Mi-Voice on or by the 16th of February, please, in the first instance, ensure that you check your junk mail. Thereafter, you can contact Mi-Voice, who are managing the voting process on behalf of the IFUT, on:
p: +353 15133293
If you have any comments or queries, don't hesitate to reach out to your local branch.