Published Thu, May 28th, 2020
We in IFUT are proud of the fact that we are one of a very few, in the Trade Union movement, that affords equal status to retired colleagues. As a retired member you will continue to have full voting rights in union elections and, should you be willing, you are also eligible for election onto the IFUT Council and Executive. You will, naturally, be also included in all of the mailings to our members on topics of concern to us as a union.
IFUT is actively involved in, and works closely with, the Association of Retired Public Servants and through them we also campaign and lobby on a wide variety of other issues of concern for our retired colleagues from public transport to health services to community services, etc. IFUT also nominates representatives onto the Retired Members Committee of Congress and, through them, onto the boards of numerous organisations dealing with issues of concern for retired people.
If you wish to continue as one of our members post retirement we offer a special arrangement whereby for just one payment of €170 you will be enrolled in our union for life enjoying all of the benefits as set out above.