Published Tue, May 23rd, 2023
A motion, sponsored by Senators Alice-Mary Higgins, Michael McDowell, and Rónán Mullen, will come before the Seanad on Wednesday, 23rd of May next. the motion proposes several specific actions to address the issue of temporary or casual lecturers in universities and higher education institutions. These include urgently engaging with representative organisations of lecturers, postdoctoral and PhD researchers to begin addressing the systemic issue, revising the Employment Control Framework to allow higher education institutions to offer permanent contracts to individuals on precarious contracts, developing regulations around the use of fixed-term and part-time contracts and contracts of indefinite duration, introducing regulations or legislation to ensure that all persons employed to teach in higher education institutions earn a living wage at a minimum, and in the medium-term, introducing regulations or legislation to end the widespread use of hourly contracts for teaching in universities and higher education institutions.
Please click on the pdf below to view the full motion on pertaining to higher education.