Dec 15th, 2016
Mike Jennings, General Secretary of the Irish Federation of University Teachers (IFUT) has been re-elected Vice-President and Treasurer of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) at its recent Conference.
ETUCE is the European region of education International which consists of 129 education unions in 45 countries, with a total membership in excess of 11 million members.
Commenting on his re-election, Mike Jennings said that the honour represents a Europe-wide appreciation of the internationalist position that IFUT has adopted from its foundation.
“Our European activities have been to the mutual benefit of our colleague unions and ourselves. We have put critical issues such as casualisation/precarious work, the plight of early stage Researchers and the continuing prevalence of discrimination against women in higher education firmly on the agenda.
“This has been in addition to more 'traditional" concerns such as funding and academic freedom.”
“The support of our members and the IFUT Executive, Council and staff has been essential to the development of IFUT’s standing and status internationally,” Mike Jennings said.
For further information on this media release please contact:
John Gallagher - John Gallagher Consulting - Tel. 087 9369888
Mike Jennings - General Secretary, IFUT - Tel. 087 6776747.