The European Award for Excellence in Teaching - Call for Applications

Dear Collagues,

  I am writing to ask for your kind assistance in sharing information about the European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities in your association.  

As you may know, the European Award for Excellence in Teaching, initiated by Central European University in 2011, honors academics in the social sciences and humanities who teach at higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area. A prize of 5,000 euros accompanies the award. 

For more details about the award, please visit our website, where you also can read about previous recipients:

 I would be grateful for your help in forwarding this message to the members of your association, other appropriate people and professional networks, as well as publicizing the Call through your social media and news contacts. I attach the Call for Applications. 

Deadline for full applications is January 16, 2017. 

Please let me know if you should have any questions. It would be a pleasure to email or speak with you. 





Gorana Misic

Research Assistant


European Award for Excellence in Teaching 

in the Social Sciences and Humanities


Nádor utca 9 | 1051 Budapest, Hungary



*The Diener Prize of 5,000 euros is made possible by a generous gift from Steven and Linda Diener in honor of Ilona Diener.