Published Tue, Mar 8th, 2022
‘Building Momentum – A New Public Service Agreement 2021-2022’ provides for the equivalent of a 1% increase in annualised basic salaries to be used as a Sectoral Bargaining Fund or a general pay round increase on 1 February 2022.
The IFUT Executive Committee agreed that the 1% sectoral bargaining element of the Building Momentum Agreement should be applied as a general pay round increase to all of the grades that we represent and the 1% should be applied from 1 February 2022.
IFUT have clarified with the Department of Higher and Further Education that IFUT are in compliance with the terms of the Public Service Agreement. There was a slight delay in the Department formally advising institutions to apply this increase to our members’ pay. However, this confirmation has now been sent to the institutions and members can expect to receive the 1%, which will of course be backdated to 1 February 2022.
The Department Circulars relating to this payment may be accessed below.