BIGTU (British & Irish Group of Teacher Unions) meeting

Mike Jennings represented IFUT at a Meeting of BIGTU (the British & Irish Group of Teacher Unions) held in Glasgow on May 21, 2018.

The following is Mike’s report from the meeting:

IFUT, TUI, ASTI, INTO, EIS (Scotland), SSTA (Scotland), UCU (UK), NEU (UK), UTU (NI), NASUWT (UK) [by Skype]

The meeting agreed to send a letter to the President of the USA, Mr. Donald Trump, regarding the shootings / murders in the school in Sante Fe.

Gaza Shootings:
EI to issue a statement condemning these shootings of protesters.

Representation of Palestinian Teacher Unions in EI:
This to be pursued in consultation with Palestinian Unions prior to raising with EI.

Reports received re TUAC, ISTP (International Summit on the Teaching Profession).

EI World Congress Thailand 2019:
BIGTU needs to discuss nominations. Mike Jennings will not be defending his ETUCE seat as Treasurer.

Next meeting: 25 November 2018 at 4pm.

IFUT’s successes re gender discrimination and age discrimination were noted with satisfaction.