Incoming President of IFUT, Michael Delargey receives Equality and Welfare Award from UCC

Incoming President of IFUT, Michael Delargey receives Equality and Welfare Award from UCC
Incoming IFUT President, Michael Delargey receiving the Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare from UCC President Dr. Michael Murphy
2014-01-01 00:00:00

Incoming IFUT President, Michael Delargey receiving the Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare from UCC President Dr. Michael Murphy

Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare

Michael Delargey, School of Education

The Selection Committee determined that Michael Delargey should be honoured with the Frank McGrath Perpetual Award on the basis of his outstanding contribution to equality and welfare at UCC.  In particular, the Selection Committee was impressed by: his tenacity and energy in pursuing equality and welfare initiatives; his longstanding leadership in championing equality and welfare at UCC; and his highly regarded role in providing support and assistance to colleagues.