WRC rules in favour of IFUT member in historical fees related dispute

Workplace Relations Commission

The Workplace Relations Commission (Case no. CA-00012325-001) has ruled that a lecturer in UCC denied fees remission for her daughter under a college scheme is entitled to receive such fees.    

The College claimed that the lecturer wasn't employed before the September 30, 1992 cut-off point for this payment, citing an October commencement date as recorded in their HR records.

IFUT, however, provided data including a copy of Teaching Programme for the 1992 /1993 Academic Year, which cited her as teaching four subjects.  Testimonials confirming her presence in the college before the cut-off point were also provided.


In its ruling the WRC noted that the lecturer had declined an offer to move to another university in Summer 1992, adding that “this places her firmly on the books of the university in the Summer of 1992.”


The WRC ruled that the claimant “is being approved for the Fees Remission Scheme and all monies paid by the claimant should be refunded.”


IFUT General Secretary, Joan Donegan, welcomed the decision.  “This issue may date back 26 years, but it proves that all such issues of denial of rights should be fully investigated, as often such an investigation will produce the necessary evidence to correct the record,” she said.